Edmonton Business Broker Presents
This is your opportunity to acquire a growing Purified Water store in Bonnyville Alberta.
Purified Water Store is a full service retail outlet that sell Purified Water by the gallon, purified ice and various other bottled water related products and services. The store is equipped with state of the art water purification system which dispenses Superior quality drinking water for approximately 30% – 70% less than retail supermarkets or private water delivery services.
Customers bring in their own containers or purchase one of the many quality bottles and dispensers available from the Purified Water Store. The store also sells a tremendous amount of water related products such as lead free porcelain water crocks and stands, water coolers, water pump, filters, reverse osmoses systems and filters of all sorts.
The Purified Water Store has been in business since 2000 and has shown growth every year. The store operates out of a 2500 sq. ft. store in the same building as Lakeland Arctic Spas.
Bonnyville is the centre of oil field activity and is expanding rapidly. Due to the influx of people there are ample opportunities for growth in the above mentioned product lines.
The Town of Bonnyville is located in northeastern Alberta, approximately 240 kilometers (150 miles) from the provincial capital of Edmonton. The Town’s motto – “it’s Multi-Natural” – refers to the town’s celebration of its diverse cultural heritage and rich natural resources.
The economy is growing and expanding faster that the provincial average creating employment opportunities in construction, oil and gas, as well as retail sales. As a major service area, the Town serves more than 10,000 people. The Bonnyville market area is strong with a population of 27,000 within 30 minutes driving time, 49,500 within 60 minutes, and 56,500 within 90 minutes. Bonnyville is the HUB for the oil and gas industry with over 60 national and international companies setting up head offices within the Town.
Additional community information can be viewed at: www.town.bonnyville.ab.ca
This business can also be purchased with a complementing business that operates out of the same building. Please see our Lakeland Arctic Spas listing as well.
For full information, please give us a call today 780-756-2990, or email us at Dwight@performancebb.ca