SOLD – Fire Protection Business for Sale
Fire Sprinkler Contracting Company
Edmonton Alberta
For the past 7 years the company for sale has been providing fire sprinkler system design, fabrication, and installation, inspection, and maintenance services for various types of industrial, residential and commercial buildings. 35 % of the primary business activity is inspections and tests, 30% is for service and repairs, 20% is new equipment installation, 10% it equipment sales and 5% consulting.
The Company handles a wide-array of fire protection needs, ranging from small, retrofit projects to new building installations, repairs, inspections, and confidence testing services. Typical projects include manufacturing facilities, health care facilities, big box retail stores, schools, paper mills, fast food chains, warehouses, and a large variety of other buildings.
Growth projections are strong, with additional work coming due to increasing government regulations, the insurance industry provides tangible incentives for companies to improve their fire protection systems. This company is positioned to meet these needs with its high-performing team of experienced and skilled personnel.
The ideal buyers would include competitive companies interested in expanding their presence throughout the region, or complimentary companies looking to expand product and service offerings to their current customer base, or individuals who are interested in handling the higher level management responsibilities of the business.
For more information on this business contact Dwight Lester at 780-756-2990 or at